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We all want to leave our mark on the world. To do something good that makes a real difference to another person’s life.

Not many people could realise they can find this opportunity with office furniture.

It’s really easy to forget the huge value that simple things can hold. We could look at no-longer-needed furniture and see it as a burden or an inconvenience – something to be sent away, or recycled without a second thought.

It’s also easy to forget how many people in this world go without things like water on tap, hot meals, or a desk and chair to sit on at school.

The people, partners, and businesses that have been able to shift their mindset are the reason our work at Waste to Wonder is possible. They’re also the reason for the joy and celebration we love to see from the people who receive our donations – our beneficiaries.

Donations that make a difference

In March this year, the Global Orphan Empowerment Academy (GOEA) received three School in a Box containers. Each of these containers is 40 foot long, and packed with donated furniture that our customers and partners in the UK no longer require.

Inside is enough redundant furniture and equipment to furnish schools, shelters, and charities in areas of the world where they’re most needed.

The GOEA’s amazing work focuses on young children in West Africa – including the Gambia and Senegal – supporting them in their education, social development, and mental wellbeing. Their Executive Director of International Humanitarian Programs, Marie Gillen, has been carrying out humanitarian work in this area for 20 years, helping over 6,000 children in rural schools and communities.

Marie said: “We thank Waste to Wonder, their partners and customers for their Challenge100 donations. Earlier in June, we delivered a School in a Box to Penyem Technical Upper Basic and Senior Secondary School in Kombo Central District of the Gambia’s West Coast Region, where hundreds of pupils and teachers lined the streets to applaud the arrival of their new furniture and equipment.

It’s extremely humbling to see how much these donations mean to disadvantaged communities, and to see the difference it makes to the quality of their education.”


Marie and GOEA’s inspirational work with Penyem Technical continues, where they are helping to set up clean, reliable drinking water for all students and teachers and build a dedicated examination hall, to help children take their exams, gain their qualifications and break the cycle of poverty. We congratulate Marie and her team on their commitment to humanitarian work in this region.

Heroes back home

We at Waste to Wonder and our donating partners IBM, Travis Perkins, and Greenzone were truly moved to see a video of our recipients at Penyam Technical lining the street to welcome their School in a Box containers arriving for delivery. We defy anyone not to feel humbled when you see their appreciation for the things we in the West too often take for granted.

As well as the undeniable commercial benefits of being part of the Waste to Wonder’s School in a Box programme (it’s convenient, it’s good for the environment, and it can save you significant costs in landfill taxes), it’s the substantial positive impact it makes on disadvantaged young people around the world that’s the true reward.

When you partner with Waste to Wonder, it’s a win for us, a win for you, and a win for young people, schools, and communities all over the world who would otherwise go without. It’s your generosity of spirit that makes our work possible.

A chance to make your mark

If you’re looking for your opportunity to leave a legacy in the world, partner with Waste to Wonder today, and ensure every usable item you no longer need makes someone else’s life better. Contact us on 0844 809 4928 to find out more, or to get started.

Are you looking for an ethical clearance provider?

We are office clearance specialists for socially conscious businesses. If you have an upcoming clearance project in the UK or Europe that you would like to see benefit communities, please get in touch to see how we can manage it for you.